How do I create a database on my Plesk web server?

FameSystems · HelpDesk Team
Zaktualizowano na December 14, 2023

To be able to save user accounts, for example, you need a database. Plesk offers this function very easily and conveniently in the browser. You can find out how to create a database in the following instructions.

  1. Log in to Plesk.
  2. Click on “Database” in the left menu bar.
  3. Then click on the blue “Add database” button.
  4. Now you can set up your database. Each database has its own name, which you can choose and define yourself.
  5. You can then integrate an associated website. This serves to guarantee a direct connection between the database and the website.
  6. Now you can create a database user. You can use this to log into the database later. The user name should be in lower case.
  7. You can choose the password yourself or have it generated; it would be advantageous to use more than 8 characters, special characters, numbers and upper and lower case letters.
  8. Before you create the database, you must define whether this user has access to all databases or just the one you are creating.
  9. Now you can click on “Ok” and you are done. Your database has been created.

Od FameSystems | December 14, 2023 | Tagi:

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